
'use strict'

const BUTTONS = {
  home: 4,
  power: 8,
  'volume-up': 16,
  'volume-down': 32,
  ringer: 64
function buttonId (button) {
  if (!(button in BUTTONS)) throw new Error(`invalid button ${button}`)
  return BUTTONS[button]
const TOUCH = 1

 * An input to send to an instance.
 * Inputs consist of a series of steps. Each method in this class adds a step
 * to the current input, and returns the current input to allow chaining. To
 * run the input, send it to an instance with {@link Instance#sendInput}.
 * A global, `{@link I}`, is provided as a convenience. `I.doThing()` is a
 * shorthand for `new Input().doThing()`.
 * @see {@link Instance#sendInput}
 * @example
 * const input = new Input().pressRelease('home').tap(100, 100);
 * await instance.sendInput(input);
 * // using the I shortcut
 * const input2 = I.pressRelease('home').tap(100, 100);
 * await instance.sendInput(input2);
class Input {
     * The name of a button. Possible values are:
     * Button|Description
     * -|-
     * `'home'`|Home button
     * `'power'`|Power button
     * `'volume-up'`|Volume up button
     * `'volume-down'`|Volume down button
     * `'ringer'`|Ringer switch
     * @typedef {string} Input~ButtonName

     * Creates a new input with no steps. It's usually more convenient to use
     * `{@link I}` instead.
  constructor () {
    this.points = []
    this.pressed = 0
    this._delay = 0

  _addPoint (point = {}) {
    point.buttons = this.pressed
    if (this._delay !== 0) point.delay = this._delay
    this._delay = 0
    return this

     * Add a step to press and hold the specified buttons.
     * @param {...Input~ButtonName} buttonNames - Names of buttons to press.
     * @returns this
  press (...buttonNames) {
    buttonNames.forEach((button) => {
      this.pressed |= buttonId(button)
    return this._addPoint()

     * Add a step to release the specified buttons.
     * @param {...Input~ButtonName} buttonNames - Names of buttons to release.
     * @returns this
  release (...buttonNames) {
    buttonNames.forEach((button) => {
      this.pressed &= ~buttonId(button)
    return this._addPoint()

     * Add a step to delay by the specified number of milliseconds.
     * @param {number} [delay=100] - The number of milliseconds to delay.
     * @returns this
  delay (delay) {
    this._delay = delay
    return this

     * Add steps to press the specified button, delay for an interval
     * defaulting to 100 milliseconds, and release the specified button.
     * @param {Input~ButtonName} button - The button to press and release.
     * @param {number} [delay=100] The number of milliseconds to hold down the button.
     * @returns this
  pressRelease (button, delay = 100) {

     * Add a step to set the current touch position and start touching the screen.
     * @param {number} x - The x coordinate.
     * @param {number} y - The y coordinate.
     * @return this
  touch (x, y) {
    this.pressed |= TOUCH
    return this._addPoint({ pos: [x, y] })

     * Add a step to release the touchscreen.
     * @return this
  touchUp () {
    this.pressed &= ~TOUCH
    return this._addPoint()

     * Add a step to swipe from the current touch position to the specified
     * position. Bezier control points may be specified. If there is a delay
     * step immediately before this one, the swipe will take place over the
     * delay; otherwise it will happen instantly.
     * @param {number} x - The x coordinate to swipe to.
     * @param {number} y - The y coordinate to swipe to.
     * @param {point[]} [curve] - An array of Bezier control points. Each
     * point is a two-element array containing an x coordinate and a y
     * coordinate.
  swipeTo (x, y, curve) {
    if (!(this.pressed & TOUCH)) throw new Error('touch must be down to swipe')
    return this._addPoint({ pos: [x, y], curve })

     * Add steps to touch the screen at the given position, delay for an
     * interval defaulting to 100 milliseconds, and release the touchscreen.
     * @param {number} x - The x coordinate.
     * @param {number} y - The y coordinate.
     * @param {number} [delay=100] The number of milliseconds to hold down the touch.
  tap (x, y, delay = 100) {
    return this.touch(x, y).delay(delay).touchUp()

 * A magic object that can be used as a shortcut for `new Input()` in
 * expressions like `new Input().pressRelease('home')`.
 * @see Input
 * @constant
 * @example
 * I.touch(100, 100).delay(250).swipeTo(200, 200).touchUp()
const I = new Proxy(
    get (_target, prop) {
      return function (...args) {
        return new Input()[prop](...args)

module.exports = { Input, I }